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PS3 Exclusives Cursed?

PS3 exclusives have a way of getting pissed on by the general public and media before they are given a chance. The more superstitious fanboy might even call it a PS3 curse. Let’s run down the list: Lair became an industry whipping boy filling up Youtube with spastics that flailed SIXAXIS controllers with reckless abandon. Ninja Theory’s gorgeous Heavenly Sword wasn’t measured on its own merits, but was held up against the standard that should be reserved for God of War. Sega’s stellar Valkyria Chronicles is seemingly invisible to the majority of mainstream gamers. Resistance 2 hasn’t seen the sales a title of its caliber deserves. It’s almost as if we’ve collectively banded together to repeatedly punish Ken Kutargi for his oft-echoed and ill-advised comments of “People will get a second job to buy the PS3.” No, Ken. We didn’t.

Then Killzone 2 dropped. If the PS3 has ever seen a game changer this is it. Strangely, the PS3 has been having a couple of great weeks. The launch of Yakuza 3 during the first week of March sparked a fury of PS3 console sales across the sea in Japan. The PS3 outsold all other consoles including the dominant Nintendo handhelds in its home market. Over here, Killzone 2 moved 750,000 units in its opening weekend alone. It instantly became the third highest selling PS3 game ever. This situates the title amongst the chosen few; trailing only behind Metal Gear Solid 4 and Grand Theft Auto IV. Not bad for a title that was steeped in nothing but controversy, hype, and an underwhelming prequel.

Has the curse finally been lifted? Is Killzone 2 the Halo killer Sony has oft dreamed of? So far, Killzone 2 has managed to do the impossible. It has not only met the insatiable expectation of fanboys but it has been regularly exceeding them. Graphically, the game is being hailed as one of the most stunning of this console generation, no small feat considering the lofty expectations placed on the title due to its E3 2005 trailer. The online play is robust with a squad based leveling system. The single player campaign is epic; the voice acting is striking; and the trophy support stellar. At last, Sony via Guerilla Games has delivered an exclusive title that has been both critically well received and has avoided strange fan outcry. Well, almost. There’s that lingering issue with the realistic, heavier controls; silly really, I mean it’s readily changeable in the option menus. If you are too lazy to scroll down to the menu to modify your own controls– throw out your controller, forget about logging onto that gaming internet forum, just go outside and rediscover sunshine. You need it. You’ve got issues.

Killzone 2 represents the future of the PS3. The success of this title virtually guarantees that we will see a sequel or a large of offering of downloadable content before too long. Sony now has a very bankable and marketable franchise. From a marketing perspective, Killzone 2 has a unique art design and a grandiose action movie vibe that got legs in a crowded FPS market. Guerilla games has truly outdone themselves and refashioned their profile into one of a premier developer. The experience that this team has gained in utilizing the cell processor will hopefully be traded amongst all of the internal development studios at Sony.

In fact, Guerilla games have set the bar for quality amongst all game companies pursing the PS3 audience. Other developers and publishers can no longer satisfy the expectations of PS3 gamers with subpar ports built upon the Xbox 360 infrastructure. More importantly, far from being cursed, Killzone 2 has become the game to beat this generation.


imo PS3's exclusive curse got lifted with MGS4.....but these guys think killzone 2 lifted it

They mention the VGC 1st Week Killzone 2 saleS!!



All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey