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Username2324 said:

Edit: How do you feel about games like Little Big Planet? It's essentially 2D with a bit of a 3D touch.




canch said:

When the first PS1 came out everything went to 3D.  The nice graphics of 2D were no more.  But over the last few years more 2D that look like 3D games are being released.

Little big planet, Street fighter 4 are but a few.  I just want a side scrolling beat'em thats in 2D with 3D look to it (you know the kind like streets of rage, target renegde, final fight etc)



megaman79 said:
Id like to know just what people think of 2d games on PS360 systems? The mega drive collection sold well, SF2 of course, Braid, LBP, etc. 


 You're all wrong. LBP's graphics are in 3D.

You're confused because it plays like a traditional 2D game, meaning the gameplay mechanics are in two dimensions. But all the graphics in LBP are rendered in 3D.

So basically you misunderstood the OP too, since he asks why some "developers insist on creating games in 3D when it's not necessary for the game". And LBP is exactly such a game.