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@ Khuutra:
I actually never thought of it that way, but Griever being Squall is kinda even more messed up.

The Rinoa is Ult theory has a basic premise where the reason she turned bad is due to Squall's absense; if he was present and realize she was turning into evil psycho bitch AND realize that they will eventually be stopped by their younger self that would just make it even more messed up. Its also very traditional.

'And then they committed lover's suicide' is the phrase you hear in many traditional japanese romance literature. Melancholy and bitter sweet.

There is no happily ever after.


There a plenty of interpretation but the basic premise (taken from squareinsider) is as follow:

The Theory:
Due to the long lifespan caused by sorceress powers, Rinoa outlives all the other characters. In order to ease the pain of loseing Squall; Rinoa changes his ring, Greiver, into a GF and junctioned it to herself (or she may have just based the GF off of the ring, something along those lines). To her, Squall was the greatest person to ever live. As a result, Greiver was the strongest GF ("The most powerfull GF.... You shall....Suffer!"). But like the other GF, junctioning Greiver caused the diterioration of memory. Eventualy, all Rinoa knew was that she was a sorceress. She had even forgotten her own name, wich is why she took a new one -Ultimecia. Ultimecia knew only one thing about her past, and that was the fact that she had been happy back then. She wanted to be happy again, she didn't want to feel sorrow any more. That's why she sought out time compression. So that past, present, and future would all become one and the happyness of her past could be felt in her present and on into her future.
Points that support the theory:
-Rinoa and Ultimecia have a very similar apperance.
-Ultimecia has Rinoa's angel wings. Although anyone can obtain magic wings my useing float. Rinoa is the only one capable of obtaining true wings such as the ones Ultimecia has.
-Ultimecia has Greiver, wich she couldn't have without a connection to Squall.
-Ultimecia's castel was located at the very same place where Squall and Rinoa promised each other that they would be.
-Ultimecia's guardians have a few of your GFs wich you can draw if you missed then earlyer in the game. As the last surviving team member, Rinoa had all the team's GFs.
-One of the team's GFs is also a guardian in Ultimecia's castel (Bahamut/Tiamat).
-Ultimecia's strongest guardian is Omega Weapon, an advanced form of Ultima Weapon. Squall and company were the only people to ever see Ultima Weapon and live.