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I think this is a really hard question to answer. I'd defer back to Ail's point about not all owners of a system not necessarily being fans. My older brother hates games but really likes cars so bought a PS2 for Gran Turismo, he's not a Sony fan and i'll bet there are plenty like him. Similarly, i'm sure plenty of people hopped on the Wii Fit hype train and bought a Wii but we can hardly call them Nintendo fans if they've never bought anything Nintendo before, or can we?

So to answer the question we first need to answer the question, "what is a fan?". Is someone a fan as soon as they buy a system, do they need to be active players or do they need to identify themselves as being a fan? How long is someone considered a fan after they've stopped playing a particular system or game? These things are all important, particularly if you are going to try to compare Sony and Nintendo with their long history in the industry.

Personally I'd have to say Nintendo, with 670 million units of software sold in this generation, is looking pretty good. In the end though i think it's really just a matter of how you cut it and i'm interested to hear other people's take on it.