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Sharky54 said:
If you guys wanna go off just numbers. . It is sony for sure. 2 consoles 130 million sold+. Nintendo is now at their highest with the Wii. Sony has far more fans then nintendo.

That being said its Blizzard. I know for a fact Stacraft sold like 093879384793487 copies worldwide. And the entire nation of South Korea will do as they are told. You can't argue with that. :P


 Wooo since when?

Nintendo is synonymous with gaming around the world and has fanbase that has went out of control in the last 15-20 years.

Last gen the J man had a ps2 but his favourite company was nintendo.

This gen the J man has a 360 and ps3 and still nintendo comes out on top.

Although the J man hasnt bought their home console this gen (has bought all handhelds) the J man can still see the quality of nintendos first party and how it is light years ahead in games(compared to sony/ms first party) despite being behind in graphics<----that should be a testiment to the awsomeness that is nintendo first party.

*Its just nintendomination up in this b*tch.

EDIT:The J man didnt even go into the handheld side of things.......

N64 is the ONLY console of the fifth generation!!!