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nordlead said:
VGSpain said:
LegendaryOpponent said:
VGSpain said:

Hi, I'm new in this page.... I'm spanish so sorry for my bad english

I saw in VGChartz that Killzone sold 350k in Europe  (why do you call Others?)... here in Spain Killzone 2 sold more than 350k first days.
Maybe 350k was only in UK but if you count all sales it could be 1M or higher.

I think first week numbers are wrong, it must be more than 1M (EU and US).

You can read the article here:

h ttp://

"Las ventas en España han sido soberbias, superando las 350.000 copias en su primera semana..."

"Killzone 2 sales in Spain has been fantastic, it has sold more than 350.000 units first week..."

I wanna know how much this game has sold!


If you look at the charts, it says that Killzone 2 has sold 353,294 copies in two days in America and 372,625 copies in four days in Europe. Thay may not be entirely correct, though.

I also believe Killzone 2 was released in UK on the 27th?



 Yes, I know... but if in Spain sold more than 350k, how it's possible EU only sold 372k?

I think was released 26 in UK but I'm not sure... in Spain was released 25.

Wecome to the site.

Anyways, obviously it isn't possible so I checked the article, and I can not find any source for where they got their number. Without a source, for all I know they pulled it out of thin air. Honestly I think they misinterpreted some other number, as 350k in 1 week in spain alone seems WAY to high. It could possibly be 350k spain retailer pre-orders, they could be quoting all of Others from VGChartz as sales in spain, or it could be real. I can't really say.

As for the why the region is labeled "Others" it is because it not only includes Europe, but also Australia, New Zeland, and all the other countries not included in Japan, or the American continents.



 Thanks for the welcome!

I read the article again. It refers to Spain sales, I don't know if their numbers are wrong or no but I can say that here in Spain a lot of people have a PS3. You know, people who have X360 in Spain say "Spain is a Sony Land" xD!

Well, we have to wait to see the final numbers... if the numbers of the article are true then Killzone 2 sales will be highter than 1M in first week.