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I hate medievil personally, I have the game for the ps1 and its terrible, I dont even know why I wasted 6 dollars on it.

To get on topic:

The ps3 is going to pass the xbox 360 or is the ps3 going to keep its slow pace(as equally as fast as the x360)?

*Japan is sony's last resort if needed in the future.

*$399.99 40gb ps3 if true, will mean the end of the xbox 360(for a fact).

*MGS4(system seller) Killzone 2(if this becomes a game as great as halo alot of x360 owners will jump the sony band wagon) FF XIII(FF does miracles), LBP, and Infamous a new exclusive IP are just a taste.

*As for NG2 I doubt it wont come to the ps3 in 2008, NGS was exclusive, why cant NG2 be released?

*Kingdom hearts(maybe on wii but if on ps3 expect huge sales)

