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Naum said:
twesterm said:
Diablerie said:

Final Fantasy XII

I did it for the story.  I really hated the combat system and that just killed it for me.  But I wanted to see how the story went so I sucked it up and kept going.


I tried to force myself through that game twice but just couldn't do it. 

Both times I managed to get about 16-20 hours into the game and both times I wanted peel off my skin and then rub jalepeno juice all over myself just because that would be more enjoyable than enduring another minute of that game.

Don't even bother with it, the ending is not worth it, it sucked.


Just youtube it if you really want to know.


Actually I'm better not knowing because I just imagine them all dying a horrible painful death.  The gameplay isn't what made me hate that game, it's god awful story and incredibly boring characters.