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jerry said:

J: Now I want to ask you this question......MANY people on Vg Chartz have said that they think your a cry baby n left cus PS3 has bad sales....will you defend this?

DMJ: Yes I will. The reason I left was unbearable sided trolling towards the Ps3 n I felt the mods were incapable of handling the situation so I left. I don't want to get stressed out for no reason. you may say I take things to seriously.....well f*ck it I do, I will have to deal with it right....n so I did.

Unbearable trolling my ass! Clearly DMJ needs a wakeup call to reality, posting bad news about Sony/PS3 is not trolling, it is a part of reality.

Whenever someone says something negative about for example the PS3, people like DMJ needs to understand that it is very easy to get sick and tired of the people who want to hear nothing but praise for it. RE-A-LI-TY

Or maybe realism isn't his thing...