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What are your favorite top 5 First Person Shooters you ever played?

Mine are...

1)Bioshock...This games action and atmosphere mixed with it's story and graphics just amazed me from beginning to end.

2)Halo 1,2 and 3....If your a hardcore FPS fan as myself you must have this game on your list imo...great gameplay...the story grabs me and brings me into the game...and who can forget about the great online gameplay...

3)Goldeneye the great memories I had with this game as a weapons...the single player campaign was great...and playing multiplayer with all my friends on the same tv...endless fun

4)Duke Nukem 64...I Loved this game it was also a game which had me and my firends hooked on the multiplayer end of was also oe of the baddest game out at the time...saving the babes was cool..the weapons were awesome...and killing pigs never gets old lol...

5)Doom 64...At the time the scariest game I played...great visuals and friend and I played this game soo much one day the N64 actually froze and told us to turn it off...lmao pretty weird

I love alot more FPS such as...Fear,Cod 4,Half Life and Killzone  but these are my top 5 favorite of all time....which are yours?