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- most members own a ps3 but most mods are anti sony
- if you own a wii is a paradise, you come in see how far ahead the wii is then LOLz at ps360
- if you own a ps360 is a nail biting battleground, but thanks to many awesome people in the community is always fun
- is addictive
- the members make the site. Huge amount off contributors that know what they are talking about (many that don't, but those make things more fun)
- if you own a ps3 is depressing, surely vgchart has the best expert at finding bad news about sony and anything PS related in its forums
- Forums are very busy and are a great place to find out the latest news about gaming ( when do all this people find time to post that much is a mystery)

dd if = /dev/brain | tail -f | grep games | nc -lnvvp 80

Hey Listen!