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Ok... had a good read now.

It really is just an upgraded DVD format - more layers (up to 10 - 50Gig). The players are simply an upgraded DVD player, that has a HD decoder as well.

I can see a real attraction for existing DVD manufacturers to use something like this. No real reason why existing format DVD is gradually replaced by this... although players DO need to be upgraded (albiet cheaply).

They could trojan the technology into homes pretty easily... new DVD players will support DVD-5, DVD-9, DVD-20 (or higher).

I think China would love this - as may India. It may become a real favourite for illegal copying, and a higher capacity DVD for PC use.


Its biggest barrier, is that it may not be considered "new" technology (as its still a red laser - not a blue one), so tech-heads may stub this (and go for a higher cost, higher tech solution). But I personally wouldn't mind if "normal" DVDs suddenly started storing up to 20Gig - or higher.

Both MS & Ninty could love this for future consoles - no retooling, same basic hardware, slightly more expensive - and you get up to 50Gig (rather than 8 Gb at the moment).

(the HD format war just got a lot more interesting and complex...) 


Gesta Non Verba

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