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As of right now, right at this moment…which do you think has better graphics? Killzone 2 has already been played to death by those of you with the Demo and God of War 3 has a fantastic new trailer that just blows the mind of any sane person while Uncharted 2’s Crash trailer let’s us know that Naughty Dog is trying to seriously push the Playstation 3’s capabilities to the fullest. Each game developer has stated that they are going to take advantage of what the Playstation 3 can truly do and it’s truly starting to show. To give you an example, Kratos from the Playstation 2 version of God of War 2 had a polygon count of 2,000. This generation, the God killer has a detailed count of 20,000 just for his character alone! He wouldn’t even be able to load on the Playstation 2 and God of War 2’s graphics are already nothing short of stellar for a system that is almost 10 years old.


Again, speculation here, but you can also base your guesstimate on previous versions of God of War 3 and the predecessor of Uncharted 2. Killzone 2 has definitely added a significant element to FPS by adding the long overdue cover system. While God of War 3’s latest trailer was showcasing some serious real time gameplay aspects to up the ante for the game with the developers stating ”We’re going to be introducing groundbreaking gameplay this time around, and that all starts and ends with our Titan gameplay. It’s all about scale”. Meanwhile, Uncharted 2 is stepping it up with refined stealth tactics mixed with the same run and gun tactics that you have come to love with the first. Don’t forget that Uncharted 2 is making environments a much more interactive experience than the first.


This all depends on what you like right? Killzone 2 continues the story of the original Killzone but those who have never played the first one can still pick up Killzone 2, not knowing anything about the first, and still enjoy the story that Killzone 2 has to offer. Taking on an entire planet of Helghast is by no means an easy feat while trying to take down the leadership in the process. So those who are more into Sci-Fi would definitely enjoy what Killzone 2’s story has to offer coupled with the futuristic gameplay. As far as God of War 3 goes, well…Titans…Gods…the Ghost of Sparta. Anyone who has seen the latest trailer knows the story will be just as epic as Killzone 2 and Uncharted 2’s story. With Kratos vowing the destruction of the Gods, will this be his last adventure? Lovers of Greek Mythology already know that the God of War series delivers it by the bucket load with fascinating characters and some of the most engrossing gameplay that puts you right into the heart of the story. For those who are more into historical story aspects that uncover the lost secrets of ‘this and that’, then Uncharted 2 would sit right with them. Uncharted was the National Treasure of video games. It was what a modernized Indiana Jones would of been like and fans of the genre love it. It will be no different with Uncharted 2. The latest game has Drake in “search of the treasures of the court of Mongolian emperor Kublai Khan, reportedly lost with the disappearance of Marco Polo’s fleet, Drake uncovers another mystery — the key to Shangri-La and the wish-fulfilling Cintamani Stone, said to be a giant sapphire that grants wishes and just happens to be worth billions”.

So which is it that you guys pick? me I'd have to say God of War III, the graphics absolutely amazing, the story is by far the best (if you played 1 and 2 you'd agree that 3 will be awesome), and the gameplay is really fun and innovating.

Edit: ok lets just assume all those games will hit a 2009 release, now whats your opinion?