Final Fantasy II for the PSP makes me fight every 2 seconds and 95% of the fights you get ambushed (not joking) and I was just playing it a while ago and I had to fight 7 people that cast magick several times, so they always ambushed me, eached casted a magic so 7 times they hit all my group, and then when I finally choose to attack they attacked me 8 more times (yeh someone usually gets greedy and attacks twice) so I had to wait for them to attack me 15 times!, and then after that they still wern't all dead and they attacked me 3 or 4 more times! it's pretty ridiculous, and also I never know where I'm suppose to go :l....sorry for the bitchin, had to get that off my chest.
ahhh this game pisses me off......but, I must beat it!