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kitler53 said:
Euphoria14 said:

You should just rent or buy the first two. Both are greatest hits so they will be $20 or $10 used.

Even now they are still awesome, and the visuals in GoW2 are great for the PS2. The gameplay is what makes them stand out though, which is why you should play them if you are interested in GoW3.

great idea in theory - but then i explain to you i never had a ps2 and my ps3 isn't BC.  i know i could pick up a ps2 on the cheap now but with a ps3/wii/ds/360/pc  already and soon to have an iphone i have very little motivation/time to throw another system into the mix.   really, all i want is to catch up on the story so i can enjoy this one to the fullest.



After I posted I checked your game collection and realized you don't have a PS2 and that your PS3 probably wasn't backwards compatible. I actually posted that afterwards.

Anyways, this is my best attempt to explain it.

Kratos (the main character) was once the great leader of the Spartan army. Until, one day, the Barbarians destroyed his army in battle, and just as Kratos was about to be killed, he offered his life to Ares (the god of war) if Ares would destroy his enemies. So, from then on, Kratos would have to serve the gods who saved him.

After ten years, Ares begins to destroy the city of Athens (Athena's city) (for some unknown reason). So Athena tells Kratos to stop ares. In order to do this, Kratos will need find and use the power within Pandora's box to kill Ares. So, Kratos sets out on his adventure to find Pandora's box (most of the game). Eventually, Kratos finds Pandora's box, opens it, and begins an epic battle with Ares. Eventually, Kratos wins, Ares dies, and Athena grants Kratos to be the new god of war.

Kratos, as the new god of war, feels the need to use his power and his Spartan army to conquer lands and destroy cities. As Kratos is destroying the city of Rhodes, one of the gods takes away some of Kratos' power, and brings to life a collosal statue of Helios. Kratos defeats the collosus, but only by draining his godly power into a new weapon (he was tricked into doing this). The collosus gets in one more hit as it dies, causing Kratos to drop the sword which holds his power. Just then, Zeus appears, and takes the sword, which he then uses to kill Kratos. After he dies, Kratos meets Gaia, one of the titans, who convinces Kratos to kill Zeus. In order to do this, Kratos will need to find the Sisters of Fate, and go back through time, to the moment when Zeus killed him, and kill Zeus then. So, Kratos fights his way out of the underworld and begins his quest to find the Sisters of Fate (80% of the game), with the Titans assisting him along the way. Eventually, Kratos fights and kills all three sisters of fate, goes back through time, and begins an epic battle with Zeus. As Kratos and Zeus are fighting, Athena steps in to stop the fight, and Kratos accidentally kills her. As Athena is dying, Zeus runs away. At the very end of the game, you see Kratos and the Titans climbing mount Olympus towards Zeus and the rest of the gods.

I hope that makes sense.

iPhone = Great gaming device. Don't agree? Who cares, because you're wrong.

Currently playing:

Final Fantasy VI (iOS), Final Fantasy: Record Keeper (iOS) & Dragon Quest V (iOS)     


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