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How PC Gaming Ended Up on Your Couch
...and why it's not going away.

By Robert Ashley

The '90s were the golden age of PC gaming. In that heady decade, PC gamemakers invented the first-person-shooter genre, connected players on the online battlefield for the first time, transformed 3D graphics from primitive blur to virtual world, and unleashed a flurry of innovative ideas that changed the gaming world forever. No serious gamer of that era would've guessed that the end of PC primacy was just around the corner. But in 2001, the old gray box met an unexpected contender, an upstart game console produced by a software company. Microsoft's Xbox, for all intents and purposes, was a PC. It had a hard drive, offered broadband online gaming, and packed in technology that approached the PC standard of the day. Most importantly, it was cheap (a few hundred dollars compared to the $1,000-plus you'd need for a high-end gaming PC). Within a few years of the Xbox's release, a seemingly intractable war between two gaming cultures-one that valued depth, strategy, and top-of-the-line technology, the other obsessed with reaction time, all-ages appeal, and mass-market pricing-was over. The game console emerged victorious.

Only it didn't. Because while the PC, as a gaming platform, has seen better days, the gaming culture it championed rules the day. You may play your games on the big screen in the living room, but if you're spending this holiday season playing games like Mirror's Edge, Fallout 3, LittleBigPlanet, and Gears of War 2, you're a PC gamer. Here's the breakdown of just how this unlikely scenario happened:



MY opinion? Well, if games tese days were actually, you know... GOOD, maybe I wouldn't still have NWN, Diablo 2, SC, WC3, UT2004, and HL2 still installed on my PC due to the horrible state of recent games. I think developers grew retarded or just dropped any quality when they did the switch....


Edit: Dammit, forgot the ' in the title.

Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."

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