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Kenryoku_Maxis said:
mroca said:

When you said 'One hit wonder' are you basing that on the eleven Final Fantasy games which begin as a new story? I said 11 cause FFX continues into FFX-2.

When I said one hit wonder, I was pointing at the fact that Square (I don't mean Square-Enix, but Square) has made over 20 games in the last 2 years with 'Final Fantasy' in the title.  While only creating 4 other games not linked to the FF name and publishing about that many other games from outside sources.

Square is just trying to shove Final Fantasy down our throats and doesn't want to make anything else.  I understand many of their original teams are gone and they probably can't make as good of a Chrono or Musashi game.  But that doesn't them from trying to make a good Mana, Saga or even original IP again.

Well, despite not liking the game, what about The World Ends With You? Maybe Sigma Harmonics?


Square takes a risk for a new IP and they both flop in comparison to all other Final Fantasy games. People don't seem to want it.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

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