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Owning an Xbox 360 without Halo 3 is like owning a Super Nintendo without Super Mario World. Your Xbox 360 will not power on unless you owned Halo 3. You don't own an Xbox 360 if you don't own Halo 3. Halo 3 is like the second half of your Xbox 360, to make it complete. Buying an Xbox 360 without Halo 3 is like buying a Blu-Ray player, but not owning a television. It's like owning a sim card, but not owning a cell phone. It's like owning a house, but not owning an land for that house. In fact, Halo 3 ties in closer to the Xbox 360, than the user manual. Halo 3 is more of an Xbox 360, than an Xbox 360. Halo 3 is like the power cable for the Xbox 360. Halo 3 comes with your Xbox 360 by default, and it's not bundled with it. Everyone is going to own Halo 3 in the future. Halo 3 is more Bill Gates, than Bill Gates. Halo 3 is more Microsoft, than Microsoft. It's against the law to not own Halo 3. You hate Microsoft, and video games, if you don't own Halo 3. You haven't played video games, unless you've played Halo 3. The eleventh commandment states "Though shall own a copy of Halo 3." Am I going to buy Halo 3? No way... Actually... Yes... I will... Maybe... After Super Mario Galaxy...