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Beat it once on single player and once on co-op. Also got all the way through Horde Mode with two other people. It's funny this thread came up--recently I have been on a Gears of War binge. I've been home sick from work for the last two days and finally just finished co-op mode on Gear 2 and FINALLY finished the last couple chapters of Gears 1. (I had started it once on PC and once on Xbox and never finished either until today!!)

Also, just to get a tad off topic--Gears 2 seemed like a much more epic game than Gears 1, but Gears 1 seems like it was a harder game in general. I also feel that Gears 2 has more reasonable criteria for achievements (except for Seriously 2.0 of course). In general, I felt that Gears 2 improved the experience with graphics, gameplay, and story line, but both were terrific games. I just found 2 to be much better.