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@ Deneidez

Whatever I write answer is something about PS3 and how good it is. -.- Ok, I quit...
Sorry I indeed skipped some of your comments, I am currently moving to a new house and I am temporary on a shitty internet connection...
could of course make datastreams of what to do for SPUs but that would mean too much work for PPU, because those streams could be veeery long and of course they could be way too large for mem in some cases.
Yes, it can be done and that's what the Cell is designed for, data streaming with regard to data processing. For example streaming lossless audio (far too big to fit into local storage as a whole) or graphics which is for example processed line by line instead of processing whole images in one go. The PPU will never be close to being maxed out for managing to SPUs in games when the Cell is used as intended, meaning as good as everything else is done on the SPUs instead of the PPU. It's merely a challenge for developers coming from legacy game engines, but it can and will be done by talented programmers over time. The potential is enormous, Killzone 2 is only one of many milestones.

Naughty Dog: "At Naughty Dog, we're pretty sure we should be able to see leaps between games on the PS3 that are even bigger than they were on the PS2."

PS3 vs 360 sales