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Wii Series: From dethroning Super Mario Bros. as the highest sold (or owned, whatever stops people from derailing the thread) game of all time, to being on the Ellen Degeneres show, the Wii series proved to be an essential element to Wii's success.

Super Mario Galaxy: Just when people were starting to question the genre's impact, along comes this game and blows away expectations. Not only is it a great platformer, but it reinvents the genre in the process.

MGS4: Snake's tale has finally come to a close, and what a conclusion.

Halo 3: You Finished the Fight.

Gears of War: It's not just the first person that's popular anymore, Gears ushered in the start of 3rd person shooting excellence in this generation of video games.

Portal: "Didn't we have some fun though? Remember when the platform was sliding into the fire pit and I was like, "Goodbye" and you were like "NOOO WAAAY" and I was all like "we pretended we were going to murder you" That was great..."

Cult Classics:
Bioshock series
No More Heroes Series
Uncharted Series
and many more...