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Well...this is almost exactly what I thought. There is no doubt its a good game, its just about as generic an FPS as you can get. Good, but absolutely generic. Which isn't always a bad thing, but....I guess its because its uber realistic.

Now I may not be like everyone else, but playing an FPS that is TOO realistic about the horrors of war defeats my entire purpose of playing video games. I play to escape, or to have a good time, not to have reality breathing down my neck in its worst form. Even then, it felt exactly like I thought it would; like a Call of Duty: Killzone.

Regardless, except for its awful controls, the game played great, at least from the demo. I'll probably get it in time, but with SO4 and Resi 5, I'm not gonna have the money :/

GOTY Contestants this year: Dead Space 2, Dark Souls, Tales of Graces f. Everything else can suck it.