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@ Deneidez

Anyway, I just wanted to correct that tiling problem applies only for pixel shader operations that are made on daughter die.

You agree that with more EDRam, the 360 would have been able to perform 16FP HDR together with AA like for example Uncharted does on the PS3?

If so, that's my point.

You do know or don't know that everything must be 'tiled' for SPUs.

Not everything of course,

but of course they are designed as stream processors for mass data processing (hence the huge internal and external bandwidth). I talked about this to great lenght in the past, AFAIK in threads you also participated in!

The 360 situation is different, tiling with regard to its GPU is a major limiting work around due to lack of EDRAM. It greatly diminishes any real world advantages the architecture may have had compared to other high definition GPUs. Only GPU or CPU can access its shared RAM at any one time (like some cheaper embedded and PC solutions), so tiling goes against optimal usage of the 360 hardware.

Do you agree the Cell is far more powerful potentially than the Xenon if programmed right.

And your example regarding code running properly on both platforms is stupid. Sure you can't run PPC assembler code on x86 processors and vice versa, but who cares? Both PPC and x86 processors are capable of similar functions if coded properly for that architecture, it's about what can be done, not about how it must be done.

Naughty Dog: "At Naughty Dog, we're pretty sure we should be able to see leaps between games on the PS3 that are even bigger than they were on the PS2."

PS3 vs 360 sales