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MikeB said:

@ Garnett

So it sounds like the PS3 version is bringing both PC/360 versions down.

No way, if the 360 would have had more RAM than the PS3, the 360 version would simply have used more RAM than the PS3 version just like the PC version will. Understand? BTW I think he talks about graphics RAM here, maybe Sony helped them to take advantage of the XDR instead, if the CPU memory would be limited they probably would use the harddrive for virtual memory.

Things which bog down ports for other systems is performance related, you cannot have twice the enemies onscreen in one version compared to the other. You usually will not provide far more content than another version than would fit another target platform's storage medium and such (graphics varierty and quality).

That game is probably PC orientated, thus memory problems without significant adaptations are to be expected. I never said the Neo Geo was easy to develop for compared to the PC at the time, however results and potential were vastly superior.

Hes not talking about graphics ram here,he means normal ram,That means if this game is dev for 360 and ported to PS3 it can only use 256 ram for CPU.

You are trying everything in the book in order not to accept the fact that 360 ram is used better,accept it all ready,you used every single excuse already dude.

I never said the 360 had more ram i said that 360 can unevenly use its ram unlike the PS3,and they cant take advantage of the harddrive because not all 360 have HDD so they can only use the RAM.