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#50  Kirby's Return to Dreamland
My 2nd favorite kirby game. Kirby's Return to Dreamland is a solid Platformer. It is the best kirby game since Super Star. It is also the last of the 2D platformers that came out of the Wii. Making it extra special. The game is filled with charm and upbeatness. The gameplay is fun with it's copy abilities and ultra abilities. The copy abilities are like how they were done in Super Star. So now you get tons different moves and such. Also this game has plot twists you didn't see coming. The game is worth a try at least. Also did you know it supports 4 player co-op? Awesome!

#49 Mario Kart 8
This is my favorite Mario Kart. The games decides that regular Mario Kart was too boring and that it didn't have enough loops. Taking ques from F-zero, Mario Kart 8 has found a new thing to add to the franchise with its anti gravity feature. You can now race Yoshi to go sideways,upside down and being upside down while going sideways. The game also has a much more emphasis on skill. Mario Kart Wii an ,awesome game, had a little luck sometimes in that items can save you. In this game items will not save you. This game rewards you for getting better at the game more so than Mario Kart Wii. Making this game the best Mario Kart. 

#48 Mega Man 3
To many  2 is considered to be the top of the mountain. I say they are wrong and that spot truly belongs to Mega Man 3. While Mega Man 2 had cliche stages such a Heat Man(Fire Stage) and Bubble Man (Water Stage) Mega Man 3 decides that elemental stages are boring and does something new. Now we get cool stages like Snake Man,Shadow Man and Spark Man.  The only weak guy is Top man as being named after a toy is not threatening and he has a useless weapon. What makes this game more crazy is that you fight the past robot masters from Mega Man 2! Now you have to learn how to beat Metal Man all over again! Mega Man 3 is easily the best Mega Man game as it is the most polished and different game in the entire  original series on the NES.   

#47 Pokemon Moon
Pokemon's 2nd original game on the 3DS and it is the 1st Pokemon game to come out since Pokemon Go became big.  Originally I was not expecting to get this game after the disappointing Pokemon Y. Boy was I wrong to have any doubts! This game is the freshest game since Gold and Silver way back in 2000. The game gets rid of gyms and replaces them with Trails. Trials are basically missions you do that can range to spotting the difference to battling an overpowered Pokemon. Throughout my entire playthrough I never knew what was going to happen next. In every other Pokemon game before this it was beat gym and sometimes beat the bad guy. This game actually has a plot  with more depth than Pokemon Black. You do things that are different than the standard Pokemon games like walking through a haunted shopping mall. This game also features villains that actually feel threatening in the form of Team Skull. In this game Team Skull manages to take over a whole town. This makes them the most threatening villains since Team Rocket in Red and Blue. The game concludes with you defending your title as champion in a very interesting twist. If you want a Pokemon on 3DS get this one or Ultra Moon.  Also the music is awesome in this game! Do not mute it!

#46 Goldeneye (2010)
I was 2 years old when the original Goldeneye released on the N64 so I missed that gem the first time around. However going back to it was always a bit hard due to its aged interface. Despite this the idea of playing a modern Goldeneye always crossed my mind. I wanted to play it in a less dated way. This is where the Goldeneye remake comes in.  Coming just in time when I started to get into online gaming I played this gem. I have about 1000 hours in this game making it into my top 5 most played games ever.  In my prime I would play this everyday for hours. The game was just so fun whether alone or with friends. Playing with both family and friends was always a blast and the #2 game after Brawl. Due to my skill level I would always find new creative ways to kill my enemies. My favorite tactic was to hold a grenade and run up to someone and blow both of us up. This game was also one of the few times where I was accused of cheating.  I have so many memories with this game and they are all almost good.  It was a game that was at the right place and the right time for me. To this day I am still trying to find a fps that matches this one.

#45 The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
Wind Waker was an average game. The game always felt lame and a bit boring with a lack of any sense of adventure. Twilight Princess is the complete opposite. The game has an epic scope that never lets up. The game may start slow but do not let that fool you reader as this game picks up as you progress.. The game has you go into haunted mansions, a temple you visit by going back in time and a city in the sky. The villain Zant is just intimidating as you first go through the game. You just hope that you can find a way to kill him before he puts all of Hyrule into darkness. This just gives you more incentive to be a hero and giving you that sense of danger that Wind Waker always lacked. The music is also top notched. I beat it multiple times and each playthrough is just as fun as the last. The game is easily my 2nd favorite 3D Zelda game. Don't miss this one. 

#44 Super Mario Odyssey 
A Game of the Year contender only in #44? Well this game should be happy it is on the list at all! When I first made the list I was not done with this game. Even though I haven't finished it I can tell it is a fun game. The game is the true sequel to Mario 64 than any other game. It is a fun game game and I had a lot of fun with it. I will need to play more to understand it quality a little more so I am going to low ball this game for now. 

#43 Super Monkey Ball
Quick! Let's make a game like marble madness but let's have it with monkeys! That is the best way I can describe this game. In this game you control a monkey and your job is to roll around an obstacle course to the goal. The game has a simple concept but the way it executes it is very good. Since this is an arcade game on the Gamecube it is simple to learn but hard to master. When you first start the game you are falling all over the place and go to the most safest path. By the end of it you are finding ways to break the physics to shave off of some time off your record. This game is incredibly replayable and you will want to this over and over to get a better score. This game is also very fun with friends and it has mini games that are more like little games than Mario Party style Mini games. 

#42 The Legendary Starfy
Most people hate water levels in games. It is a meme at this point. So let's make an entire game an underwater level! Sounds like a terrible idea but Starfy does it right. This game is actually the 5th game in the series but the 1st to make it to the U.S. The levels are all underwater and you swim and spin your way through the level. The game has the charm of a Kirby game despite not playing much like it. The game even has a story you have to go through with villains and recurring characters. However do not expect some life changing dialogue from Strarfy as he is not a fan of words. 

#41  Super Monkey Ball 2
Wait the last Marble Madness game with monkeys was a success? Quick make a sequel! This game is awesome. It takes what made the last game awesome and bumps up the quality even more. Every time I turn on my Gamecube I always have difficulties on which Monkey Ball to play.  Usually my response to play both. The game makes the last game's course looks generic as now they make some creative ideas. You can go around dodging a robotic spider to going through a bunch of mirrors like you are in the book Alice Looking through the Glass. The game also doubles the mini games from before and are just as fun as the last games and more. If you have a Gamecube do not miss out in these games. You won't regret it!

#40 Kid Icarus: Uprising
Kid Icarus was teased many times before he got his own game after the gameboy one. I remember when this game was announced and I was excited for it. The game plays in two parts. The Star Fox section and the 3rd person shooting section. Both of these parts of these are good. The story is also alight hearted but interesting enough to listen to. What makes the game shine in the story department is the characters. Each character is incredibly likable and I actually find them the main draw not the story so much. The game is also very replayable because each weapon is different from the last making you want to try out levels with new weapons. The game even has an online section in which you fight other people in a 3rd person arena. This is one of the reasons why I got a 3DS other than for Pokemon,

Top 50 in list form.

Last edited by killeryoshis - on 23 December 2017

Tag:I'm not bias towards Nintendo. You just think that way (Admin note - it's "biased".  Not "bias")
(killeryoshis note - Who put that there ?)
Switch is 9th generation. Everyone else is playing on last gen systems! UPDATE: This is no longer true

Biggest pikmin fan on VGchartz I won from a voting poll
I am not a nerd. I am enthusiast.  EN-THU-SI-AST!
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