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 51.) Games with bad storys but polished gameplay are better than games with great stories and unpolished gameplay

 52.) the JRPG genre should die and be reborn because they're just ANIMES WITH SAVEPOINTS as of late.

 53.) Soul Calibur 3 was the worst Soul Calibur game, including Legends.

 54.) The World Ends with You is overrated.

 55.) Konami's business plan is "Milk MGS, hope everything else sells."

 56.) Metal Gear Solid a series of movies with savepoints 

 57.) There are SNES games that look better than several 360/PS3 games. 

 58.) Mario Kart Wii's battle mode is actually fun.

 59.) The industry would benefit if storytelling became secondary in every genre except RPG's.

 60.) The Playstation was fairly casual for its time.

 61.) Persona is niche because of these "traps", aka women dressing like men and men dressing like women.

 62.) Simplicity is not a bad thing.

 63.) Casuals have always been around.

 64.) Castle Crashers is more fun than Braid.

 65.) The Wii will likely outsell the PS3 even if the PS3's price point was 50 dollars or more under the Wii's

 66.) The Wii is the NES reincarnated.

Pixel Art can be fun.