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I am not surprised that I thoroughly enjoyed the demo. This game is not a floating gun twitch shooter. It is very much a deliberate tactical shooter. The aiming is slow and you are required to engage cover by holding a button. I think those design choices were the correct choices to make. This game has a very deliberate and unique style and feel. I prefer this style of game play to COD4 (which is the current standard that all FPSs should be measured against).

I think the Lean and Peak cover system works well and in many way improves upon the cover system in Uncharted. You can't just stick to cover, you need to actively engage cover by holding a button and lean over cover with the left stick. This will take some getting used to since no other console fps leaves you in a first person view while in cover.

The control scheme is fine, I used standard 2 with zoom hold off. It was too difficult to aim while holding R3 so I turned zoom/hold off. In call of duty I had a habit of zooming every time I engaged an enemy, when many times it would have been faster to shoot with the cross hairs.

I will definitely play this game on Veteran at launch. I believe the only difference in the base difficulties are the damage modifiers.

The graphics, animations, and sound are top notch.

I hope the other 10 hours of this game live up to this demo.

Thanks for the input, Jeff.