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Phrancheyez said:
mesoteto said:
Phrancheyez said:
mesoteto said:
^as they should unless they do it better--but just putting a new paint job better does not make


I don't understand what you mean.  So you're saying that everyone should believe that Killzone 2 is an inferior game since they haven't played it?  Why don't you just hold Khuutra's hand?


i am not saying its inferior,

But people seem to think that’s it’s the end all anymore and its really just a run of the mill FPS that is pulling off a halo effect (pulling the best parts of the current gaming trends, prettying them up, and marketing them as the end all)




Oh I don't think it's the end all..I don't think it's a Halo Killer or that it's the next coming.  I think it's going to be a fantastic game, though.  

That's a good way to sum it up.  Not to take anything away from Halo - if other developers were smart, they'd do the same thing.  And it is sad when 4-5 companies make separate games that are good in their own right and another takes the best of what the others have accomplished to create a game that's better than all of them.  Fortunately for us as game owners, it results in some pretty damn good games that eventually turn into classics.  Hopefully KZ2 falls into that catagory from a gamers stake, but I'm not willing to put that hype on it otherwise there's a high chance I'll be disappointed.


i honestly think that is the reason the halo 1 was such a great game---the other just keep teh trends and the he built upon itself


but dont get me wrong its fun stuff



and i hope Kz2 does and dosnt have the same happen i really dont want teh ps3 to get teh kinda fanbase halo brings---its not worth it




on side note that pic of him looks so sad


its like he got in line for the buffet and found out it was needing restoked or something