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Luckily, there's a lot more to talk about when it comes to this sequel. Greg Edmonson, the composer of the first game, is back to provide the score; Nate's going to have a handful of different outfits that'll pertain to his different environments; and you don't have to worry about tank top-wearing pirates eating an entire clip of bullets before they die. During the presentation, Naughty Dog broke the soldier enemies into three categories -- mostly light, mostly dark, and mostly badass. The characters in the lighter uniforms are going to go down from a few shots, but the characters in full-on armor and helmets are going to take a licking. On top of all that, Wells said that Naughty Dog listened to fans and lengthened this installment of Nathan Drake's adventures.

"It will be bigger and better than the first game," Wells said.

Sounds good, but now we have to wait.


the article reveals new details.....very interesting + looks much better than the first game

so its set in nepal

THE NEW GIRL HELPED BREAK UP ELENA n DRAKES relationship -- kind of implied

new girl wants nothing to do with sully or elena -- implied

new girl n drake had a past affair -- implied

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey