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I have Midnight Club LA and I've only played the demo for Burnout Paradise. I haven't liked any of the Burnout's this gen. I loved Burnout 2 and 3 last gen but they seem to have lost the essence of Burnout that made those title classics. They're still good but I can't consider them Burnout anymore.

Having said that, I don't think anyone should miss out on Midnight Club LA. It is by far the best arcade racer on the market to me. The midnight club series focuses on gameplay first and foremost. No gimmicks. Intense races, lots of traffic, high speeds - it just gets you going. Plus they're coming out with a ton of new content in the near future. There's supposed to be a new addition to the map that's a pretty big chunk. If you like arcade racers then I'd recommend going for Midnight Club LA, unless there's something else on the horizon that you want (Killzone, Halo Wars, RE5, etc.). In that case, I'd recommend saving up if money is a concern.