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December 2006 was the year of third pirates but the first ninjas beat them then and in 2007 and in 2008 and wait did the third parties claim higher share in December 2008?

I'll say that third parties are bringing a lot of old audience content to the Wii hardware, I'd love to see these titles take a step to the left because the hardware is a step to the left in stead of head on combat with redundancy with more complex controls to garner more options.

If third parties overwhelm Nintendo with their best content and a lot of it, I can see share shifting to them as a whole.

Currently Sega seems to be the one in position to really push a lot of content on the Wii platform... if that content is marketable then they are in a good spot to single-handedly claim upwards of 12% market share on their own. (If the M&S Olympics 2 isn't a rumor.)

What I believe Nintendo or Sega could do though, is make a Mario/Sega Music/Paint in 2009 also a Mario/Sonic fitness game would seem right up their alley. If Sega does this first, then they are definetly on their way to claim some heavy share.

(I could actually see something where I compete against Sonic as my Mii in the long jump or track and field as a possibility.)

2008 didn't even see a Mario Party.

But I'll agree with you guys and say Pachter is playing catchup.

I'm Unamerica and you can too.

The Official Huge Monster Hunter Thread: 

The Hunt Begins 4/20/2010 =D