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Not sure if this was posted yet but I just read that there could be potential price cut again for PS3.  If true, I'm gonna jump on a $399 80gig with motorstorm :),13470,2714640_technology,00.html

Sony sale hints at PS3 price cut?

Reports of Sony Corp. intentions to sell approximately $2.9 billion of shares in the company's insurance division, Sony Financial Holdings Inc., have become apparent, amidst increased speculation that the capital will be poured into the flagging PlayStation3.


Believed to be the largest initial public offering in Japan this year, the move comes after a turbulent recent time for world stock markets and could lead to a PlayStation3 price reduction to re-ignite interest in the third-placed format.


Speaking to Bloomberg, Mitsuhiro Osawa, a Tokyo-based analyst at Mizuho Investors Securities Co, claimed, "Sony could use the funds for various options to strengthen its electronics and game businesses," before concluding, "A cut in the price of the PlayStation 3 is one option."


Whilst a serious PS3 price reduction would undoubtedly help the console's position, it's unlikely Sony would jump into the action, and they would have to tread carefully to avoid upsetting the four million PS3 owners.

Currently loving my Wii x2, Xbox 360 Pro & Xbox 360 Arcade, and Final Fantasy 7 Advent Children Limited "Cloud Black" 160GB PS3