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Nice video, some things to point out, the Halo 3 video was compressed You Tube quality even in high def so in low res it looked even worse, on the note of gameplay, The Conduit is faster pointer wise though much faster then the video put in the comparison as that was the latest released video from HVS and SEGA to show off the polishing, but the guy controlling Agent Ford sucks balls to say the least.

The Halo video showed multiplayer while The Conduit was singleplayer, now if it was Halo singleplayer vs singleplayer it'd be a bit better, and what more if it was a normal gamer controlling the Conduit.

Otherwise nice video and it's nice to show that there is quality there in The Conduit, Wii is getting a nice FPS game, I don't think trying to compare graphics was the point of the video, but if it was it's kinda pointless, though The Conduit looks really nice and so does Halo but playability wise The Conduit is going to be a ringer with the IR and custom controls, now if The Conduit has solid singleplayer (one of the weak points of Halo 3) and a strong online mode (the reason anyone plays Halo 3) then The Conduit can show what FPS games should be like on Wii. Heres hoping.

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

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