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the Problem is that Tetris the game may have sold a bunch and I agree if you add up all versions it is a lot as you say.

The question is who makes those games.

Nintendo-makes a killing from Tetris
Tengen- Made a nice profit(I liked there version of tetris)
Tons of Free Ware versions out there
A bunch of releases from smaller computer companies.

So there is not one single company or even a few small companies that Bring about a massive succes for Tetris or reaps the benefits of said game. Even the original people who designed the game do not get benefits from the sale.

In that respect it is a free for all and would be like saying that Golden Axe sold 10 million if the SMS version designed by Sega sold 8 million and the NES version designed by Tengen with no license fees to Sega sold 2 million.

Finally Bejeweled also suffers a similiar fate as well. there are many freeware versions out there by different people/companies. It came bundled with Everquest(to do something while you sat and healed or waited for party members). It was also available on the Sega Genesis.