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ZenfoldorVGI said:

How bout I explain this to you fine folks.

I believe that I am one of the best posters on this site. I make no qualms about it. I bring very inciteful, interesting, and valid opinions in all my posts on a very consistant basis.

However, you must remember, besides being able to...hold my a debate, I was also voted as the meanest poster, but it's really not because I'm mean, it's more like arrogance. Yes, I'm quite good, but I know it, and that's a flaw.

As Outlaw points out, respect is earned. It's not necessarily a two way street. I've spent a great amount of my time over the past year making this website a better place, in one way or another, and arguing over that point is invalid. It's simply not an opinion.

So, when, from time to time, people decide to get personal, I think I have the right to give them a little arrogant indignance.

In this case, Khuttra has personally attacked me, for "having bad tastes," but s/he's way off base. I don't have bad tastes, rather I'm a realist. Khuttra, on the contrary, is an ideologue.

In Khuttra's mind, assuming groups generally tend towards negative stereotypes associated with that group is sexist, racist, or something along those lines. In my mind, if I believe those stereotypes are usually correct, I will use them to further my understanding of said culture.

To make it clear for everyone, the stereotype I've propagated here is as follows:

"Women tend to dislike the exploitation of the female form(porn, for example). Motives are questionable, as they could stem from deep instinctual female jealousy, to indignance over said exploitation of their godgiven proprietary technology, their body."

Was I blunt, and arrogant? Oh hell yes. I'm very arrogant naturally, and I tend to grow impatient with quips.

However, just because I do not follow the ideology that Khuttra genuinely believes is the "correct and generally accepted" ideology of our world, doesn't mean I have bad tastes, but rather, that I have simply put independent though in the subject.

I believe that certainly, women tend to grow upset over other, more beautiful, and sexy women being portrayed in inappropriate manners. I don't think there are may women who would actually like that Bayonetta trailer, in general. I don't care how that makes you feel. I'm a stranger to you. I have no reason to hold back my logic in such matters so you can sleep better at night.

Not finding the trailer sexy, or not liking the style/tone/humor is one thing, but if you directly cite the most common exploitative women's argument when you criticize the game, and I wonder out loud if you are female, then that's just my God given intuition acting up. Afterall, you don't see many men protesting porn, do you? Oh, no, but that presumption is also sexist, against men, and thus I have bad tastes for stating it even though it's true.

Either way, bad taste or no, I'm still the best, and I'm fighting a very strong make urge to end this sentence with the word "sweetheart."

I don't think I've seen you be arrogant and then humble in the next sentenance.

Although, whether you are making VGC a better place is completely an opinion.

While I do think have do have a bit of respect as you do put out good posts, and we have quite a large variety of intellegence levels on the forum.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.