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Arius - hate is a good thing V_V, Denial, contempt, hate, anxiety, negativity, desire and all these other things each function as a shield.

Not saying shio is falls under this, but I can think of a few that do. V_V

The only downside is that reading outcasts or legends threads or posts aren't as fun as crazzyman's, the good thing though is that I found crazzyman on n4g and I make it a habit to see what his latests posts are.

I guess crazzyman just explains things in a way that makes me lol, while others don't explain at all, they usually just toss someone elses falacy or spin in, all in an attempt to disown any relationship with the values of that specific piece of writing: I can think of a number of reasons why they do that, but one seems to stand out the most: They believe themselves to be analytical and outside of their play pen, so they convince themselves that they understand. What they understand?

XD I'm not paid enough. ^_^

This thread should of died already though, the OP had a major error so I guess this is just a +1 to my post count and -1 to whatever was on my chest.

I'm Unamerica and you can too.

The Official Huge Monster Hunter Thread: 

The Hunt Begins 4/20/2010 =D