Commando said:
Thank you, I forgot to mention that. |
True, Haze was hyped, and it had decent impressions from journalsits. But I don't think in any time in Haze's life did it have a metacritic rating of 95. In fact, when people refer to games being Hazed, they refer to it having negative reviews and having a low metacritic rating, exspecially after having been hyped. So if anything, Killzone 2 is the exact opposite. Perhaps later giving us a term for games that were hyped to hell and succeded in the hype? Other then ratings givin by journalists the only thing left is opinion, and no offense but your opinion doesn't mean shit more then any other gamer out there. Many of which have the exact opposite reaction to the game and guess what, surprise surprise, many of them actually own the system it's exclusive to. But I'll surely listen to reviewers and gamers who participated in the beta before the words of a blind xbot. But thanks for reminding us all that we don't have another Haze on our hands. ;)