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NinjaKido said:
Magnific0 said:
vlad321 said:
thetonestarr said:
Soleron said:
thetonestarr said:
Soleron said:

Because then it would be a PC. It has everything else: media functions, online, hard drive, HD video playback, patches and updates, a browser, USB ports, chat, ...

So then you might as well buy a PC - it'll be a similar price but totally own the PS3 in terms of performance, and you can still play most of the games (certainly all the ones that you'd like to play with a mouse).


That's extremely backwards logic.

Not really. If the PS3 has all of the games, features and downsides of a PC, why not buy a PC that's more powerful for the same price? Consoles are only good value when they differetiate themselves from a PC via controls, not having to worry about updates/patches/bugs, and total integration between software and hardware - all of which current consoles are losing.


Yet the PS3 can also do a variety of things that PCs cannot, so again, that is extremely backwards logic.

Additionally, to prove that your logic is even more backwards, why is gaining more abilities negative? Getting another feature that PCs have would make a PS3 a better competitor against a PC, not a sillier one. Right now, a PC should be a much better buy because it can do things you're talking about... AND it has keyboard + mouse.

Adding a mouse ability to the PS3 would just give it another way in which PCs aren't superior.


And quit trolling. I don't like the PS3 myself, but I'm not going to come into the thread trolling for stupid reasons.



Let's see what else the consoles are gaining that the PC already has:

-Rushed games

-Buggy games


-Hardware problems (and you cant fix these by yourself)


Also name me 1 thing that a PC can't do that a PS3 can. Please, humor me.


I'll name more than 1:

1- Use PS3 controllers. :P

2- Play games like God of War , Gran Turismo and White Knight Chronicles, never available for PC. :P

3- Place it nicely and fittingly in your family room close to your Digital Receiver and HDTV. :P

I can think up of more, but I think a sad man like you will disregard anything I say anyway :P


4. Play every game released for the platform without upgrades.

5. internal Blu-ray , Wi-Fi and Bluetooth built in as standard , without the need for configuration.



The only valid argument here really would be #5, which the PC also happens to have.

PS3 -

You got your interwebs, wifi, bluetooth, games, bluray, mkb support. Basically what you'd need for movies and games.


PC -

You got mkb, controller support, bluetooth, wifi, games, bluray, games. It also has a far more functional internet, ability to make 6 or even 7 figure salaries, millions of other applications ranging from business to entertainment to editing, ability to link everything in your house  and manage it (we can SSH into one of our PCs and turn on music,movies, whatever, from anywhere that has internet. Add a Nokia phone running on Linux, or any laptop, and you have a limitless remote over your house from anywhere on campus).


Why consoles were better for gaming -

You put in the disc and you play 30 secs later. No installs, no bugs, no glitches, no patches, no bullshit.


What changed -

HDDs, patches, buggy and glitchy games mostly due to rushing, installs, hardware failures.


Currently the only true console which actually keeps all the benefits of a PC vs Console is the Wii, while both HD consoles fail more and more miserably as time passes by. God knows what's gonna come next gen.

As for not having to upgrade to play, you can generally scale games back so your PC can play games for a while, yes it's not top-notch but if your PC plays better than the HD consoles now it will continue to do so. However you will also have access to future games and while scaled back a bit, you'd still be able to play those future games. Consoles won't be able to.

Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."

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