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GamingChartzFTW said:
tombi123 said:
mrstickball said:
Angel_DwK said:
wait.. so if I see a miracle god automatically gets credit?

aint that a bitch..

Some things we see may not be miracles that God does directly, but that doesn't change that God is in the miracle business.

What if you asked God 'Lord, I need $500 to pay my rent by tomorrow at 5pm, or else I am going to kicked out on the street, please help' and an unknown person delivers $500 in cash to your residence....Is that just a random occurance or something a bit more...Miracle-ish? 

That sums it up quite nicely, don't ya think?




Pretty funny. Too bad it doesn't apply to what I've seen. That may ring true for some circumstances, but if I started in on what I've seen, it may be too much :-p


Back from the dead, I'm afraid.