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I was very surprised by this game as well. I never got a chance to play any of the previous installments but I found this game to be a great platformer. I feel mostly the same as everyone else here. I found the ending made all the work I had done basically pointless, but I like cliffhanger "Empire Strikes Back" endings for some reason. I always have. I like to feel dispair at the end of a movie or game, exspecially when that dispair leads to a sequal that ties everything together in a well implemented manner like Star Wars and not Pirates or Matrix. For some reason, I bonded with the prince and Elika more then I usually do with characters in video games. While many were put off by the dialouge, I found myself liking the characters because of it and even wanting the characters to get together which I rarely ever feel. Don't know why. I liked that the platforming was fluid but it could have been harder in parts. I disagree with people who complain how you can't die though. All it does is save you from having to reload a save after missing a platforming section which is great. It would have been better had the platforming been harder. But can someone explain to me how it's any different then having to having to reload a save? Except for in boss fights, I hated it then.

PS3 Trophies