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Everyone follows the path that they believe is best , that's the beauty of free will . To ask something to the effect of "Why do you believe in X when Y could really be god or there may be no god at all" would be the same as me asking how do you know the path you follow won't lead you to hell ?

We feel our way through life , we're no all knowing so we comit to the path we believe to be the best one. I can't proove you induspitably that there is god , if I could then we'd have no use for faith . But you also can't proove to me that there isn't a god which brings us back the where we started from.

My personal opinion is everyone who seeks after goodness finds it , if you have any doubt in your mind that your not living the correct life then more likely than not you are . I feel comfortable , at peace and happy in my faith in christ ,i'm not telling you this as some kind of counter argument or reproach but simply because it might be in your best interest to discover more about him too.

The devil can't attack head on so he devides and aims to conquer.