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dib8rman said:
Wii sports is the highest selling game.

Mario was the previous one. This tells one story:

Wii sports and Mario are both exclusive titles, ie. If GTAIV sold over 45 million copies it would of been known as the highest selling game, in that regard guess what this means for Wii Sports?

Were talking about consoles. In your case Mr/Ms of the OP minesweeper murders bejeweled, I can't imagine how many people have played baseball or even better yet soccer, while were at it let's qualify as the highest selling game: catch *When one tosses an object and the other catches it*.



well wii sports comes with every single wii sold. So it counts the same way solitare does. Or it should. It's being forced upon people with the exception of 2 countries.

Check out my game about moles ^