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Louie said:
shio said:
Louie said:
Wii Sports is the highest selling console game, end of story.

Some people are actually able to use their heads while reading such stories. Of course the game doesn't come close to the sales of bejeweled so it is quite easy to know it is the highest selling console game.

But I guess some "journalists" live in their own world and just want to find something negative. So instead of just using their heads as well, these people go out and claim "ZOMG! But Bejeweled has sold more!", like it could help them to kill casual gaming or something (which is even more ironic as Bejeweled or Solitair are quite "casual" as well).

That's not it. When Wii Sports passed Super Mario Bros. numbers, it was claimed by many sites as the highest selling game of alltime, ahead of Bejeweled. Some sites even claimed it was the most successful game ever (unfortunately including VGChartz), ahead of World of Warcraft! (obviously not true).



Read my post again: Yes, you have to use your head a bit but that shouldn't be that hard, right? It should be quite obvious that people are talking about console games. The hardcore gamers should get it anyway. Or are you scared the poor casual gamers won't get it?

Here is my edit btw:

Another thing worth noting is that all the fuzz about Wii Sports is because it is such a mighty and big franchise now. This isn't about "but my console has the biggest games on it", this is about knowing how big of a franchise Wii Sports is now. Just look at Super Mario: It started as a bundled game on NES and is now the biggest franchise in videogaming business. And if the whole gaming world wasn't into this irrational fanboy war thing people would actually see how big of a story it is.


Oh and again, just the fact that some people are actually trying to spin this into some silly "but it is only the best selling console game of all time, not the best selling videogame!" thing shows how deep we are into this idiotic fanboy war. We are an industry full of fans who claim to be analysts and journalists, which would be funny if it wasn't that sad.

If someone sees an article saying Wii Sports is the most sold game ever, why would they think they're only talking about console games? Even in this thread, in a games sales forum, some people still showed up and tried to say Bejeweled isn't ahead of Wii Sports in sales.

It's like writing an article that states Shrek 2 is the highest grossing movie of all-time, then expecting people to think you're only talking about animated movies.