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Wow ! What a great game. I am truly surprised. I had imagined something along the lines of the older 3d prince of persia games.. but it's nowhere even close. This game looks stunning and plays extremely well. It's forgiving enough while it still poses a strong challenge. There are puzzles, exploration and combat. It has all the things you would expect, and it has them in a extremely well executed manner.


The story is exciting een though you can expect certain things in it. For instance the fact that (spoilers ARRR incoming) elika having to sacrifice herself to defeat the bad guy and keep him imprisonned.


I really like the gameplay, it's seemless fast, the world is huge and yet it doesn't seem to hard and it doesn't take too long to go anywhere.


Overall i have to say that the new prince of persia is so much better then the old games, in my opinion that they can't even be compaired. And yes, i am speaking of the 3d games. I didn't like them too much, story seemed interesting, but they had a tendency to get frustrating at some point (though i lend that partially to the fact that i was playing them on a pc with a keyboard and not a controller)


I would very much like to see if ubisoft will make a sequal. It seemed they had expected more sales from the title but i hope that doesn't hinder them in making the next one.. because i definately wanna know what happens.. The game does give you kind of a "wow.. pointless" feeling when you rescue the girl in the ending and sets the bad guy free.. i mean.. okay ? you just spend all that time keeping him inprisonned and now that you finally have it done.. you set him free ?


I can understand with the girl and all.. and i actually like the idea more than the alternative.. you know, him leaving him dead, going for the donkey.. both endings work, but this one is more... er.. humane ? XD anyways :P..

I just wanted to leave my thoughts on the game as i was surprised.. I certainly hadn't expected to like it as much as i did.. or anywhere near that actually.


What do you think of it ?

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