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highwaystar101 said:

What makes your god the correct god and the gods of other beliefs false?

For example, if you believe in an abrahamic god, why would Odin, for example, not be the true god?

I guess what I'm asking is for the justification of why you believe in your god. I'm just curious is all, I don't mean this thread to be malicious in any way.

I believe in the Christian God through Jesus being correct because:

1) Jesus' birth was foretold centuries before his birth.

2) Jesus fulfilled dozens of OT prophecies about the messiah.

Furthermore, Jesus' earthly ministry was unique by not only word, but deed. Very few religions spread when their primary founder dies a horrible, violent death. Yet the apostles that lived and knew Jesus died by his very words. If Jesus was a phony, then why did so many that lived with him become so willing to die for a lie?

Plus we have 2 millennia of acts & deeds done by Christian principles. Christian ethos and praxis has been been great when practiced by non-instituionalized (and perverted) Christianity.

And of course, you have modern day miracles that have happened inside Churches, and performed by Christians...I've seen plenty in my lifetime.

Finally, it comes down to inward witness. I've talked to God many times throughout my life, and have heard from him - having a close relationship with God is great when you learn to hear from him. Through that, and prayer, I've seen so much (great) happen in my life, I don't see how I could question God's existence.

And the Christian community is great. Of all the people I've met in my life, so few when practicing Christianity have seen negative effects from following Jesus' commands, and so many benefits. It's a great religion to be in.

How does it negate other religions, and make them incorrect? That's between them and their god. I don't know of many religions with 'active' gods in them, save Islam, and even then I am unsure how active Allah is in a Muslims life. My question to any other religious practioner is asking them how often they hear from God, and don't practice their religion blindly. I think it's an interesting proof to ask if God is real by merely asking for confirmation. If God/Jesus are real, I want them to show me, and they have

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.