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Cobretti2 said:
MaxwellGT2000 said:
I love these guys:

"One of the major challenges that we discovered when moving forward with the project was that most publishers we spoke to had no (zero, less than zero, terribly less than zero) interest in seeing what we could do with higher-end graphics, tight gameplay, and integrated mechanics. "The Wii is not a hardcore market," and variations on that theme were common refrains.

Now, to say that we, as a company said "Eff 'em!" would be… well, actually, it would be pretty accurate. We knew there was risk, but many of us owned Wiis and really wanted something we could take home and play the ever-living-hell out of. This is not to say there were not moments of panic, or doubt, or all of those roiling emotions associated with the internal mental struggle that happens before you take the plunge, grab the girl, and plant one on her, hoping against hope that she won't slap you. "

So awesome, they're my kind of folks which is why I really hope The Conduit turns out well but either way I already have it paid off lol

 Hell, we had been explicitly told, by many companies, that it was a loser, it had no market, and none of the people that own a Wii would want it.

Just wanted to add this extra line, how pathetic of publishers. I hope this game sells well, and proves these wankers wrong. Attitudes liek this is definelty gonna make me buy the game and recommend it to people just so it gets sales, even if it is an average 7-8/10 game.



Yeah that kind of pissed me off that some publishers really think that there is no core market for Wii, I guess that's why Red Steel, TP, Smash Bros, Call of Duty W@W, and Metroid Prime 3 flopped... oh wait they didn't... <_< really how stupid can you be.


MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

Wii Friend Code - 5882 9717 7391 0918 (PM me if you add me), PSN - MaxwellGT2000, XBL - BlkKniteCecil, MaxwellGT2000