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1. First I'd get a sick team of devs, the best guys from Naughty Dog, Insomniac, Polyphony Digital, Geurilla Games, Bungie, Infinity Ward, Rockstar, and Reflections Interactive.

2. The type of game would be a 1st person view Sandbox game. It would be like GTA but much better. When your roaming instead of 3rd person like GTA it would be first person like Call of Duty or Killzone. You could do lots of moves including climbing and taking cover, hense why I picked Naughty Dog.

I would make the driving amazing and if you take the cars to your garage you can tune them up Gran Turismo style. There would be basically every car ever made in this game. There would be so many different cars that you rarely ever see repeats. Of course its a shooter so you can buy/steal guns. There would of course be like every gun from a regular pistol to a tactical nuke like in Fallout 3.

I would leave the story up to Rockstar and Reflections Int.