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I make a vampire game where you kill zombies, werewolves, and other vampires.

I make Castlevania: Symphony of the Night 2 in full GTA3D, with a gothic overtone and an open world. It would have that Fallout 3 type gameplay where stuff happens in front of your eyes and you can choose to engage in them or not.

You could fight a group of marauding vampires after a young virgin girl, and when you fight other vampires, you would go into bullet time, and rip them apart with sword, whip, or fists.

The human world would be unaware of your underground activities, and you can run faster than the eye can see. You could be good or evil. Defeat Dracul or become him.

3rd person shooting, stealth, car simulation on foot, bullet time, vamire powers, whip DMC melee.

The screenplay would be written by Anne Rice.

Your character would be a Dampir.

Eventually, you could fly, jump like Crackdown, and save or enslave the world, which would change according to your actions.

Game progress would be GTAIV main mission based, with side quests more similar to Vampire: The Masquerade Bloodlines.

You could, of course shapeshift, but you can also get diseases like lycanthrope, which would make you take the shape of a wolf, bear, or other animial against your will, from time to time. Small touches like this make a game.

The SanFrancisco Bay Orch, and the Phil Harm sound teams would work together in a collaboration with Dragonforce and Kirk Hammet, to do the instrumental soundtrack.

David Hater would voice the main character, Alucard, and other famous actors, like Robert Downey Jr and Tom Cruise(who has worked with Rice before) would voice various other characters in the game.

The game would also come with a plethora of licenses techno, jpop, emo, punk, and metal music available via ipod, along with custom soundtracks.

There would be no multiplayer. Who needs it. The game would be massive, with many usermods and expansion packs in the works.

The teams at Blizzard, Infinity Ward, Clover Studios, and Nintendo would work together in a joint effort to handle everything from the artstyle to the minigames, and every detail would be maticuliously mulled over by game, movie, and book critics alike before the final product was released on shelves.

Particular attention would be paid to the control scheme, and its intuitiveness, along with the real time menu system, and frame rates.

Graphics would of course, be top notch.

Best game ever.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.