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Also, as for your comment on games being delayed.

Where is Splinter Cell? Huxley? How long before Lost Odyssey came out? Why so long for Fable II? And Banjo? Can we talk about Too Human? Maybe even Alan Wake? All Points Bulletin was announced before last year too was it not? Halo Chronicles was announced back in 2006 I believe. Halo Wars was announced back in September of 2006. Cry-on was announced a couple of years ago and now was canned.

Get my point yet? The "delays" and "announces years before release" excuses are getting old and people turn a blind eye to the fact MS does the same shit.

Look at those names. 5 of them possibly releasing this year on the 360. Announced 2-3 years earlier and many have gone through numerous delays. Alan Wake alone I think has been in developent for about 4 years and can not remember how many delays that game went through.

iPhone = Great gaming device. Don't agree? Who cares, because you're wrong.

Currently playing:

Final Fantasy VI (iOS), Final Fantasy: Record Keeper (iOS) & Dragon Quest V (iOS)     


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