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In Germany games face a lot of opposition propably because the gaming audience is relatively small. If i recall, theres going to take place a law, which criminalises selling, buing and playing games, where you kill or seriously damage humans or human-like (zombies etc.) characters (games that does not get USK rating, and therefore cannot be sold, atleast not openly). You can go to jail by playing zombies ate my neigbours. Was the penalty max 2 yrs? Germany tried to run the law for whole EU, but it got refused. Instead EU decided, that every Union country can decide, will they make violent games illegal. Problem with violent games is that parents doesnt seem to understand what that PEGI rating means. Most people still think that the rating means how much intellectual challenge the game offers. Just like how board games are rated. And if they know, they dont care. Good thing would be making illegal selling or buing a game for kids aged under the rating. In Finland its illegal to sell 18+ games for underaged, but theres no penalty set for it (what good does a law do, when dont have to obey it?). I dont think it harms Nintendos image at least too much, although, 2 games which are supposed to be most violent so far are coming for Wii (Manhunt2 and No more heroes). In the other hand, games like that makes the Wii the kids favorite.

Ei Kiinasti.

Eikä Japanisti.

Vaan pannaan jalalla koreasti.


Nintendo games sell only on Nintendo system.